You’re More Likely To Fall Victim to a Cyberattack Than a Home Invasion

By the time most people start to notice that their data has been compromised, it’s too late. Modern hackers continue to develop savvier ways to steal your data, and most people have no clue how to defend themselves.

Yet you can learn how to prevent a cyber attack by studying the patterns from past scenarios. So, what are the trends hackers tend to follow?
Continue reading “You’re More Likely To Fall Victim to a Cyberattack Than a Home Invasion”

Linux PIE/stack corruption (CVE-2017-1000253) Bug and Security Vulnerability

About CVE-2017-1000253 Bug:

This issue is related to the Linux kernel loaded Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) executables. If an ELF application was built as Position Independent Executable (PIE), the loader can allow part of that application’s data segment to map over the memory area reserved for its stack.
It  can cause memory corruption and may allow an unprivileged local user to gain privileged access using Set owner User ID (SUID) or privileged flawed PIE binary. Continue reading “Linux PIE/stack corruption (CVE-2017-1000253) Bug and Security Vulnerability”

MongoDB Ransom Attacks Hit 27000 Systems

MongoDB Ransom Attacks has hit 27,000 Systems in few hours from 12000 impacted servers .

Most of the mongoDB installations are exposed to exploites due to poor default access controls for super users .

Hackers are accessing  MongoDB databaases and then copy and delete data from database running in default, unsecure configuration. In return of data administrators are being asked to pay ransom money by bitcoins. Continue reading “MongoDB Ransom Attacks Hit 27000 Systems”

Securing Solaris

secure solaris

Protect your system from internal & external security vulnerabilities

Solaris security broadly falls under two groups – one is where the system is accessible using local area network/vlan and it has to be secured against unauthorized access. Second is system is accessible over the Internet to a number of persons and it has to be protected against unauthorized access using network or security loopholes.
This document details some of the focus areas for security and provides suggestions to make it strong. Continue reading “Securing Solaris”